Smithfield Bypass Project
Highway Construction / Albem Operations Joint Venture (HAJV)
Since 2019
$152 million (Queensland Government).
The Smithfield Bypass provides vital infrastructure for the northern beaches of Cairns and meets the strategic transport needs of the area into the future. The new road will deliver a safer, more efficient travel route for motorists and industry along this section of the CCH. The bypass will improve traffic conditions on the Smithfield road network by addressing congestion on the section of the CCH between McGregor Road and the intersection of CCH and CWAR. In particular the Smithfield and CCH and CWAR roundabouts. Traffic improvements will be achieved by:
- Upgrade to a four-legged signalised intersection at the existing roundabout at CWAR and CCH. The new intersection will have the capacity to effectively manage increased traffic volumes now and into the future.
- Removing through traffic from the local road network. This will significantly reduce the volume of traffic using Smithfield roundabout by approximately half the current level. With reduced volume of traffic Smithfield roundabout will once again operate effectively as originally designed.
All intersections in Smithfield will benefit from the network connectivity as the majority of through traffic on the CCH will be removed from the Smithfield local road network. By connecting the Bypass road to the intersection of CCH and CWAR motorists are given the opportunity to choose to continue along either CCH or CWAR.
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